Thursday, January 24, 2013

GOP has to rig elections to win

"Republicans in Virginia snuck an election rigging plan through the state Senate while everyone was focused on the inauguration. I'll tell you what they did - and more importantly why they did it - and how it speaks to the fundamental difference between Conservatives and Liberals." It's because republicans know they can't win, not on a national level. Republicans poll around 26% as a party, the Tea Party is at its lowest levels ever, and Americans continue to reject the ant-science, anti-education, anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-gay, anti-environment, pro-pollution, pro-plutocrat, racist platform. When the country does not agree with you on any major issue, all you have left is to cheat. Even top officials in the party have hinted that they fear they may not be able to win another national election for a long time.

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