Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The moral bankruptcy of the evangelical movement

Frank Schaeffer | March 13, 2018

According to Jerry Falwell Jr., evangelicals have “found their dream president,” in Trump. That says something about the current quality of evangelical “dreams” not to mention character and beliefs. Whatever evangelicals are these days, they aren’t Christians.

In covering for and enabling Trump, evangelical leaders including Dobson, Falwell, Graham, Jeffress, Metaxas, Perkins and Ralph Reed are doing to decency what Hugh Hefner did to modesty 50 years ago. Dobson, Falwell, Graham, Jeffress, Metaxas, Perkins, Reed are the new pornographers.

Evangelical “morals” look more like Hugh Hefner’s late great Hefner Mansion parties than church these days. Trump’s white evangelicals have made a national joke of moral standards that were once, theoretically, deeply held. White evangelical Trump-enablers are just another tribal group among many fighting for power at the expense of others. This is not a religious movement any longer but a coup against even the idea of transcendent meaning.


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