Posted by jeckert 25 Oct 2010
The Hill's Congress Blog recently featured a piece on the Garment District where, despite it's posh Manhattan locale, the decline of manufacturing can be seen more clearly than in some midwestern factory towns. Co-written by American fashion designer Nanette Lepore and Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), the post points out that the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs affects the fashion industry, too...and in a big way. 175,000 people work in the New York fashion industry with 24,000 in apparel manufacturing. Both natives of Northeastern Ohio's Mahoning Valley, Lepore and Ryan fear that New York's Garment District might be met with the same fate as their hometown:
"A microcosm of other domestic manufacturing industries, New York's fashion industry has seen many apparel manufacturers shut their doors as subsidized foreign goods and rising costs drove them out of business as production shifted offshore."
The Garment District is a prime example of quality manufacturing that comes with U.S. manufacturing. Every Friday, we run a "Fashion Friday" blog piece highlighting a clothing or accessory company that manufactures their goods in America. These products represent high-quality, and better yet, good, sustainable American jobs.
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